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CALL US: +27 (0)33 386 3952



Jet A1 and AVGAS available - 


Monday to Friday:    05h00Z - 15h00Z

Saturday & Sunday: 05h30Z - 15h00Z

Public Holidays:        05h30Z - 15h00Z


Closed on Christmas Day & 1 January


After hours call out fee: R500 incl VAT


Monday:   05:30-10:30 | 12:30-16:00

Tue- Fri:   05:30-10:30 | 11:30-16:00

Saturday:  07:00-11:00

Sunday:     13:00-16:00

all times in Z

Public Holidays by NOTAM


NOTAMS available from file2fly.


Elevation: 2,423 ft   /   739 m
RWY: 16/34          1,537m        Asphalt
GPS: 29°38′48″S 30°23′54″E

Pietermaritzburg TWR:           122.0
Durban APPR: 125.75


NOTE: Runway 34 slopes down significantly, the up again, and then a gentle down-slope to Runway 16. 

VOR - PMV 117.9     .__.  __  ..._   


NDBs - OBI 280      ___  _...  ..

              PU   407      .__.   .._

              PZ   257       .__.   __..

              ORI 442.5   ___  ._.   ..


Contact Details
Tower: (033) 386 8554
Briefings: (0860) 359 669
Durban MET Office: (032) 436 3813 


Pietermaritzburg Airport 122,0, (which used to be called "Oribi Airport", is in a CTR, and is surrounded by the Durban Special Rules Area, with the frequency 124,2


On the map above, you will see all the local names on the CTR boundary to enter and exit Pietermaritzburg CTR Airspace, which extends up to 6500 ft. To the southern side, expect to be limited to 4000ft, (Thornville, just before the horseshoe shaped Hopewell Dam, the blue carports just before Camperdown our very own Table Mountain with Nagel Dam nestled just behind it); and to the north to 5000ft for VFR routings where the ground is higher, Edendale Ridge, the Hilton Ridge, Worldsview Mast, from where you can see Midmar Dam, and Northdale Ridge, beyond which is Albert Falls Dam.


The height of the top of this Special Rules Area varies with the rising ground from the coast.  There are also Special Routes in the area. Please check it out in your AIP's Enroute Section 2.2.


There is a GNSS Approach from the North onto Runway 16.  This approach includes part of the Durban Special Rules Area below 7500ft.  


Because of light aircraft flying in the area within 2nm of Airlink, which serves the route between Pietermaritzburg and Johannesburg, all VFR pilots who contact Tower when at, abeam or south of Midmar Dam,  have been asked to route either via the Edendale Ridge, or the Northdale Ridge, in the interest of safety and to remove the risk of a possible mid-air collision or incident.

There is a GA Gate behind which light aircraft are most welcome to park, and come and pop in for a cuppa at the Club.  This enables you to avoid the hassle of formal  airport security.


During the week, the Tower is unable to open this gate, but on weekends they may do so, when they are open.  


Please rather contact us if you would like to park our side.  We can arrange to open the gate on your arrival.

© Telani Lithgow for Pietermaritzburg Aero Club SACAA/1169/ATO

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